Education | Research | Innovation



Society for Simulation in Healthcare Technology Committee

  • Member, 2021 – present

Society for Simulation in Healthcare CHSOS-A Working Group

  • Member, 2019 – 2021

International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare

  • Reviewer, 2019

MCG Educational Simulation Research Collaborative

  • Founder and Supervisor, 2018 – present

MCG Surgery Simulation Curriculum Committee

  • Member, 2018 – 2019

MCG Simulation Council

  • Member, 2017 – present

Medical Education

AAMC Group on Educational Affairs

  • Grant Reviewer, 2020

SGEA Innovations in Medical Education Award

  • Reviewer, 2019

SGEA Faculty Development Special Interest Group

  • SIG Chair, 2018-2019
  • SIG Member, 2018 – present

AAMC Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation

  • SGEA Chair-Elect, 2021
  • SGEA Session Reviewer, 2018 – present

AAMC Education Technology Working Group

  • Member, 2017 – present

UF STEM Translational Communication Center

  • Affiliate Member, 2014 – 2017


MCG Department of Medicine Translational Research Program

  • Committee Member, 2017 – present

Journal Reviewer

  • Canadian Medical Education Journal 2020-present
  • Academic Medicine 2019-present
  • BMC Medical Education 2019-present
  • American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education 2018-present
  • Academic Emergency Medicine Education and Training 2018-present
  • MedEdPORTAL 2018-present
  • Medical Education Online 2017-present
  • Computers & Education 2017-present
  • Clinical Simulation in Nursing 2015-present
  • Journal of Educational Computing Research 2015-present